Benjamin Appl about Klosters Music 2020
Address to the audience
“Dear audience,
You can surely imagine how it feels for us musicians today, to be on stage again after such a long time and to make music – that what we love and what we are burning for. These months of silence have been one of the biggest challenges we have faced in our lives as musicians.
It takes great courage to hold such a festival in such times and therefore we at Klosters Music are extremely grateful that under strict hygiene and distance regulations the decision was made to let music resound live again and to set a sign that we dare to do so again.
The fact that you, dear audience, have decided to come tonight to support us musicians and the music gives us a lot of strength and for that we thank you very much! We need you: The last few months have shown us once again that even the best live stream cannot replace the feeling of shared experience between artist and audience during a concert. So I wish those responsible and the audience of the Klosters Music Festival a moving and successful 2020 edition.”