Veronika Eberle, Antoine Tamestit and Sol Gabetta are exceptional personalities.
They never remain on the surface when making music, but dig deep in their engagement with the work. And in addition to their enormous musical abilities, they also possess a special charisma. On this evening, the three of them will meet in Klosters in different formations – from solo to trio. Sparks fly between violin, viola and violoncello, embers blaze, chamber music is created at the highest level. And you can warm yourself at this fire of inspiration. The evening also promises unusual intensity in terms of sound, as they play on instruments provided by the St. Gallen Habisreutinger Stradivari Foundation.
Veronika Eberle, Violine («Aurea» 1715*)
Antoine Tamestit, Viola («Gustav Mahler» 1672*)
Sol Gabetta, Violoncello («Suggia» 1717*)
* Instruments owned by the Swiss Stradivari-Habisreutinger Foundation