Exclusive: Nuria Rial in a short interview
“Begegnungen. People and Places” is the motto of Klosters Music in 2024. In a short series, we ask our artists for their thoughts on this. Soprano Nuria Rial can be heard together with Maurice Steger and the La Cetra Barockorchester Basel on 29 July at 7 pm (“Con Passione!”) in St. Jacob’s Church in Klosters.
Which encounter, which person was particularly important for your musical career – and why?
My Basel teacher Kurt Widmer had a big influence on me. I was physically quite tense then, which meant my voice didn’t flow freely. Together we looked for movement in the music. It was important to him to use the whole body when singing. All of a sudden, all tension was released – that had a huge impact on me. I still use his exercises today.
Which place is an important retreat for you?
That is a very important question for me. We are always travelling and have a lot of concert tours. Sometimes I feel like I live at the airport. It’s always busy and loud. I like this liveliness, but I also need space to retreat. I find it within myself when I’m alone and meditating. I always try to come home between concerts where I have my garden. That’s my real retreat. Here I can relax and revitalise. When I dig in the earth with my hands, I also feel really grounded. It gives me peace and stability.
What do you associate with Klosters and the festival?
I’m really looking forward to coming back to Klosters. I have very fond memories of the concert with Maurice Steger two years ago. For me, Klosters means enjoying the music and nature. On the one hand, the lively musicians, a great concert programme and an audience who engage. On the other, this beautiful natural backdrop. What more could you want!
29 July, 7 pm, St. Jacob’s Church, Klosters
Nuria Rial (Soprano), Maurice Steger (Recorder & Conductor), La Cetra Barockorchester Basel