
News about Klosters Music

Alina Ibragimova, Maxim Emeleyanychev, Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, © Marcel Giger

The opening concert to re-listen to on SRF 2 Kultur

The opening of Klosters Music was celebrated with a brilliant concert by the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen under the direction of Maxim Emelyanychev to standing ovations in the sold-out concert hall of the Arena Klosters. You can listen to the concert from 21 August, 8.00 pm, onwards on SRF 2 Kultur on the programme "Weltklasse".

Listen on SRF 2 Kultur
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© Marcel Giger

Klosters Music 2024

We want to express our sincere thanks to the numerous visitors, the artists, the volunteers, the patrons, the supporting institutions and foundations, especially the community of Klosters, the Klosters Cultural Fund, the Evangelical Reformed Parish of Klosters and the Canton of Graubünden, as well as to all those who have contributed to the wonderful success of Klosters Music.

Impressions 2024
Kevin Griffiths, City Light Symphony Orchestra, © Marcel Giger


Von den Fanfaren aus «Ben Hur» bis zum gewaltigen, von 5 Schlagzeugern befeuerten «Imperial March» aus «Star Wars» reichte das Abschlusskonzert «And the Oscar goes to...», das im ausverkauften Konzertsaal der Arena Klosters mit stehenden Ovationen gefeiert wurde. Unter der Leitung von Kevin Griffiths, der auch charmant durch den Abend führte, bot das über 70-köpfige City Light Symphony Orchestra ein Filmmusikkonzert der Extraklasse.

Further information
Ben Goldscheider, Christoph Koncz, Münchener Kammerorchester, © Marcel Giger


«Leuchtende Vorbilder» hiess der Titel des vorletzten Konzertes von Klosters Music, bei dem die Musik von Tschaikowsky mit der seines Idols Mozart und die von Brahms mit der seines Vorbildes Schumann in Verbindung trat.

Further information
Julian Prégardien, Sir András Schiff, © Marcel Giger


Als Liedbegleiter konnte man Sir András Schiff bei Klosters Music noch nie erleben. Der Liederabend mit Franz Schuberts Zyklus «Die schöne Müllerin», exklusiv in der Schweiz, wurde zu einem Höhepunkt des Festivals. Das lag aber nicht nur an Schiffs Begleitkunst am historischen Hammerflügel.

Further information
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Sir András Schiff, © Marcel Giger


Einen ganzen Schubert-Abend hatte Sir András Schiff angekündigt. Aber das Rezital begann der Pianist mit der Aria aus den «Goldbergvariationen» von Johann Sebastian Bach, weil man jeden Tag mit der Musik von Bach beginnen müsse, wie er im Anschluss dem Publikum in der Kirche St. Jakob erklärte.

Further information
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Thomas Hampson, Janoska Ensemble, © Marcel Giger


Auch wenn es draussen regnete - drinnen im Konzertsaal der Arena Klosters waren beim umjubelten Auftritt von Thomas Hampson und dem Janoska Ensemble «Blue Skies» angesagt. Bereits der Eröffnungssong von Irving Berlin aus dem Jahr 1926 brachte Stimmung und viel Energie ins Publikum.

Further information
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Alina Ibragimova, Maxim Emelyanychev, Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, © Marcel Giger

Enthusiasm and strong emotions 

Mit zwei fulminanten, mit stehenden Ovationen bedachten Konzerten der Deutschen Kammerpilharmonie Bremen unter der temperamentvollen Leitung von Maxim Emelyanychev hat die sechste Ausgabe von Klosters Music begonnen. Die zweite Festivalhälfte bietet ganz unterschiedliche Besetzungen und eine grosse stilistische Bandbreite – vom Liederabend bis zum Filmmusikkonzert, vom Klavierrezital bis zum Sinfoniekonzert. 

Further information
Christian Bolt, Gioconda Leykauf-Segantini, © Marcel Giger


Der Abend mit dem Titel «Vom Panorama zum Triptychon» verband Bilder von Giovanni Segantini mit einer Einführung in das Werk durch seine Enkelin Gioconda Leykauf-Segantini und Liedern von Gustav Mahler. Die Naturliebe und eine tiefe Melancholie prägten sowohl den Mahler als auch den Komponisten, die sich allerdings nie persönlich kennengelernt hatten.

Further information
WhatsApp Image 2024-07-30 at 19.30.10 (8)
Maurice Steger, Nikolaus Schmid, La Cetra Barockorchester Basel, © Marcel Giger


Das Familienkonzert gab es bereits zum zweiten Mal bei Klosters Music.
Wieder waren die Kinder auf Matten und Turnbänkli ganz nah dabei, um dem virtuosen Flötenspiel von Maurice Steger und der von Nikolaus Schmid erzählten Geschichte um ein verlorenes Notenblatt zu lauschen Die Bühne war im Konzertsaal der Arena Klosters seitlich aufgebaut.

Further information
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Maurice Steger, La Cetra Barockorchester Basel, © Marcel Giger


Nach zwei sinfonischen Konzerten mit viel romantischer Musik im Konzertsaal der Arena Klosters brachte der Montagabend eine ganz neue Farbe ins Festival. Maurice Steger beglückte mit seiner Flötenkunst und Musik aus dem 17. und 18. Jahrhundert das Publikum. Und hatte mit dem La Cetra Barockorchester Basel eine herausragende musikalische «Barockband» dabei.

Further information
Jan Lisiecki, Maxim Emeleyanychev, Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, © Marcel Giger


Er sei ganz begeistert von der Natur in Klosters, sagte Jan Lisiecki, nachdem er bei seinem Debüt wie ein Rockstar gefeiert wurde. Und bedankte sich mit einer ganz lyrischen Zugabe, der Arietta von Edvard Grieg, beim begeisterten Publikum. Zuvor hatte der Kanadier gemeinsam mit der Deutschen Kammerphilharmonie Bremen unter der Leitung von Maxim Emelyanychev eine denkwürdige, tiefgründige, die Extreme auslotende Interpretation von Griegs Klavierkonzert geboten. Voller Spannung und perfekt ausbalanciert.

Further information
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Maxim Emeleyanychev, Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, © Marcel Giger


Mit einem fulminanten Konzert der Deutschen Kammerphilharmonie Bremen unter der Leitung von Maxim Emelyanychev, das mit stehenden Ovationen im ausverkauften Konzertsaal der Arena Klosters gefeiert wurde, ist Klosters Music eröffnet worden. Alina Ibragimova entdeckte neue Welten in Mozarts Violinkonzert Nr. 3 G-Dur, Dvořáks Sinfonie «Aus der neuen Welt» wechselte zwischen höchster Dramatik und berührender Intimität im Largo.

Further information
Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-22 um 09.30.38

All ready to go!

Never before have as many tickets been sold in advance as this year.
The 6th edition of Klosters Music (27 July to 4 August 2024) with ten concerts promises to be a complete success. The varied festival programme also includes a family concert, a talk about Giovanni Segantini, a painter from the Canton of Graubünden (accompanied by Mahler songs) and an evening of film music. 

Further information
Grieg_Tschaikowsky ocr
Edvard Grieg, Peter Tschaikowsky

On the trail of Romanticism 

From a piano concerto with a folkloristic character to the musical fairytale world of "Swan Lake" - two varied symphony concerts with exceptional works and masters of their craft (Jan Lisiecki, piano and Ben Goldscheider, horn)

Further information
© City Light Orchestra

Howling coyotes and shining armour

The closing concert of Klosters Music "And the Oscar goes to ..." on August 4 at 5 pm in the concert hall of the Arena Klosters offers plenty of excitement and great emotions. Some sequences of Oscar-winning films such as "Atonement" or "Dances with Wolves" can also be seen. City Light Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Kevin Griffiths, evokes memories of moving cinematic experiences.

Further information
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«Das Werden», Giovanni Segantini

Giovanni Segantini / Gustav Mahler and Christian Bolt

As a highlight of this year's art and music event on 31 July, we are delighted to welcome Gioconda Leykauf-Segantini as a guest speaker at Atelier Bolt. The Segantini/Mahler evening continues in the exhibition, which is open until 23 August.

Further information
Christoph Koncz, © Andreas Hechenberger

“Classical music has been a natural part of my life from an early age”

Conductor Christoph Koncz can be heard together with horn player Ben Goldscheider and the Münchener Kammerorchester on 3 August at 7 pm in the concert hall of the Arena Klosters.

Further information
David Whelton_c_Marcel Giger
David Whelton, © Marcel Giger

“Film music creates the emotional narrative”

David Whelton is not only a great music lover, but also a passionate cinephile. At the film concert with the City Light Symphony Orchestra under conductor Kevin Griffiths on 4 August the artistic direcctor will be able to combine both passions. Georg Rudiger asked him a few questions.

Further information
Nuria Rial
Nuria Rial, © Mercè Rial

Exclusive: Nuria Rial in a short interview

"Begegnungen. People and Places" is the motto of Klosters Music in 2024. In a short series, we ask our artists for their thoughts on this. Soprano Nuria Rial can be heard together with Maurice Steger and the La Cetra Barockorchester Basel on 29 July at 7 pm ("Con Passione!") in St. Jacob’s Church in Klosters.

Further information
Ben Goldscheider_kaupo kikkas _ Cut
Ben Goldscheider, © Kaupo Kikkas

“Playing the horn is my dream”

Ben Goldscheider is the soloist in Mozart's 4th Horn Concerto in E flat major KV 495, which is on the Klosters Music programme for the concert with the Munich Chamber Orchestra on 3 August. Georg Rudiger spoke to the affable Englishman about daily practice, his beginnings in an English brass band and Mozart's ingenuity.

Further information
© Rolf Giger

Tino Flautino and Tomcat Leo

Maurice Steger (recorder & conductor) and Nikolaus Schmid (narrator) are the leading lights at this year's family concert on 30 July (5 pm) in the concert hall of Arena Klosters.

Further information
© Barbara Gabrielli

Barbara Gabrielli elected to the Foundation Board of Klosters Music

At its last meeting, the Foundation Board of the Foundation Art & Music, Klosters, (Klosters Music) elected Mag. phil. EMBE HSG Barbara Gabrielli to the Foundation Board as of 1 August 2024.

Further information
Jan Lisiecki, © Christoph Koestlin

“Only in complete silence can I truly recharge”

Jan Lisiecki has just given two outstanding concerts at the Berliner Philharmoniker's Easter Festival in the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden. The 29-year-old exceptionally talented Canadian has long since become a mature pianist who nevertheless exudes a great deal of youthful energy in his profound interpretations. On 28 July 2024, Lisiecki will play Edvard Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen in Klosters.

Further information
besseggen Norwegen_c Sina Gubser 2
Besseggen, Norwegen, © Sina Gubser

Series: Places in music (4)

Musicologist Georg Rudiger introduces some of the places that are significant for certain works performed in Klosters. Today: Norway, the home of the composer Edvard Grieg (Piano Concerto in A minor op. 16) 

Further information
Janoska Ensemble - Copyright Julia Wesely (5)
Janoska Ensemble, © Julia Wesely

Exclusive: A brief interview with the Janoska Ensemble

«Begegnungen. People and Places» is the motto of Klosters Music in 2024.
In a short series, we ask our artists what they think about it. 

Further information
Tin Pan Alley 1905

Series: Places in music (3)

Musicologist Georg Rudiger introduces some of the places that are important for certain works performed in Klosters. Today: "Tin Pan Alley" in New York, the birthplace of the "Great American Songbook".

Further information
Thomas Hampson, © Jiyang Chen

“A song is always an island” 

Thomas Hampson, one of the most famous singers of all time, is coming to Klosters Music to perform songs together with the Janoska Ensemble from the "Great American Songbook". Georg Rudiger spoke to the American baritone about his connection with Switzerland, musical spontaneity and what playing tennis has to do with singing. 

Further information
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© Andri Bros

«Music unlimited» meets «Sports unlimited» with Maurice Steger

Recorder player and conductor Maurice Steger skis just as swiftly and skilfully as he plays the recorder! Franziska von Arb was on the slopes of Klosters with him - the result is a delightful conversation about the connection between nature, sport and music. And a recorder intermezzo couldn't be missed either.

Further information
Sir András Schiff_Julian Prégardien_ohne copyright
Sir András Schiff, © Nadja Sjöström; Julian Prégardien, © Peter Rigaud

Programme adjustment: Friday, 2 August 2024, “Into the Depths II” (7.30 pm)

Instead of giving a second recital, Sir András Schiff will perform Franz Schubert's song cycle "Die schöne Müllerin" together with tenor Julian Prégardien on 2 August 2024 at 7.30 pm. Ticket holders have been informed separately.

Further information
Jan Lisiecki, © Christoph Köstlin/Deutsche Grammophone; Alina Ibragimova, © Joss McKinley ; Ben Goldscheider, © Kaupo Kikkas; Thomas Hampson, © Lukas Beck

Musical splendour – Klosters in summer: “The place to be”

The numerous advance ticket reservations are raising high expectations. Advance sales have now started for the sixth edition of Klosters Music (27 July – 4 August 2024). This summer, the classical music festival will once again bring together important symphonic music with first-class performers.

Further information
© Michail Dementiev

Series: Places in music (2)

Musicologist Georg Rudiger presents some of the places that are important for certain works performed in Klosters: this time the Karelia Suite op. 11 by Jean Sibelius. Karelia is a historical landscape in north-east Europe between the Baltic Sea and the White Sea with 25,000 rivers and 60,000 lakes, which has always been divided between Sweden, Russia and Finland.

Further information
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Maxim Emelyanychev, © Andrej Grilc

“I always wanted to be a conductor”

Maxim Emelyanychev has already conducted the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. Now the Russian is celebrating his debut with Klosters Music on the opening weekend with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. Georg Rudiger spoke to him about the appeal of chamber orchestras, his approach to Mozart and his conducting debut at the age of twelve. 

Further information
Frederic Edwin Church: „Die Reise von Hooker und seinen Begleitern 1636 durch die Wildnis von Plymouth nach Hartford“ (1846) | Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut (USA)

Series: Places in music

"Begegnungen. People and Places" is the motto of Klosters Music 2024,
and musicologist Georg Rudiger introduces some of the places that are important for certain works performed in Klosters. It starts with Symphony No. 9 "From the New World" by Antonín Dvořák. 

Further information
Thomas Hampson, © Marshall Light Studio

The freedom of music

The Janoska Ensemble will accompany the charismatic baritone Thomas Hampson on the National Day as he interprets well-known songs and jazz ballads from the "Great American Songbook".
In the recently released film "Die Freiheit der Musik" on, you have the opportunity to find out more about the Janoska Ensemble and immerse yourself in their virtuosity.

to the film
Thomas Hampson, © Jiyang Chen

Klosters Music 2024: Begegnungen. People and Places

Following its successful anniversary edition in 2023, Klosters Music is eagerly anticipating its sixth festival from 27 July to 4 August 2024 with ten very different first-class concerts. Six artists – Thomas Hampson, Jan Lisiecki, Maxim Emelyanychev, Alina Ibragimova, Ben Goldscheider and Christoph Koncz – are celebrating their Klosters debut. 

Further information
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Klosters Music, © Bixon

A Celebration of Masterpieces

Experience the alpine mountains and the best of classical music at the same time with Klosters Music.

to the video
David Whelton_c_Marcel Giger
David Whelton, © Marcel Giger

An integral part of the musical landscape

Before the programme is published, Georg Rudiger spoke to Artistic Director David Whelton about the significant growth in the audience, upcoming programme highlights and Klosters Music's recipe for success.

Further information
Vorschau 2024
Thomas Hampson, © Jimmy Donelan / Sir András Schiff, © Nadja Sjöström / Maxim Emelyanychev, © Andrej Grilc / Sol Gabetta, © Julia Wesely / Alina Ibragimova, © Giorgia Bertazzi

Klosters Music 2024

Thomas Hampson, the great American baritone, is coming to Klosters Music in 2024 performing the “American Songbook” with the inimitable Janoska Ensemble. On the opening weekend “Voyagers of discovery”, the theme for 2024, will bring together the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen conducted by Maxim Emelyanychev.

Further information
Peter K. Neuenschwander

Change in the Foundation Board of Klosters Music

The Foundation Board of the Foundation Art & Music, Klosters decided on the 2024 festival programme at its meeting on 20 October 2023. At the same time they said goodbye to two members of the Foundation Board and a new member was elected.

Further information
Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen

Congratulations: Orchestra of the Year 2023

The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen wins the Gramophone Classical Music Award "Orchestra of the Year 2023" for the first Haydn CD "London Symphonies" with principal conductor Paavo Järvi!
We are happy to congratulate them and look forward to opening Klosters Music 2024 with this first-class orchestra next summer.

Kammerakademie Potsdam, Arabella Steinbacher, Martin Klett, Magali Mosnier, © Marcel Giger

“Beauty and Fragility” on SRF 2 Kultur

The concert "Beauty and Fragility" from August 3, 2023 will be broadcast on August 14 at 8 pm in the program "Weltklasse" on SRF 2 Kultur. The program features Antonio Vivaldi, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Johann Sebastian Bach with Arabella Steinbacher (violin), Magali Mosnier (flute), Martin Klett (harpsichord) and the Kammerakademie Potsdam.

Listen on SRF 2 Kultur
Kammerochester Basel, Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Giovanni Antonini, Nikola Hillebrand, Maximilian Schmitt, Florian Boesch, © Marcel Giger

Record attendance and standing ovations

The fifth edition of Klosters Music ("Longing for nature. Musical Landscapes") came to an end with an impressive two-and-a-half-hour piano recital by Sir András Schiff.

Further information
Tarmo Peltokoski, Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, © Marcel Giger

Many thanks

Klosters Music 2023 was a glorious celebration of music with inspirational performances by outstanding musicians, enjoyed by audiences from all over the world.

Further information
Andrasschiff_c_Nadja Sjöström low res
Sir András Schiff, © Nadja Sjöström

At the Still Point of the Turning World 

The title of the final concert of Klosters Music on 6 August with Sir András Schiff is "At the still point of the turning world". In music, silence resembles an empty vessel that is filled with sounds and thoughts.

Further information
Tarmo Peltokoski, © Peter Rigaut.jpeg2
Tarmo Peltokoski, © Peter Rigaut

Distant Landscapes

Sharon Kam played the Clarinet Concerto by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart at the age of fifteen with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Zubin Mehta.

Further information
Sol Gabetta, © Matthias Müller5
Sol Gabetta, © Matthias Müller

Stradivarius Trio

The Stradivari Foundation Habisreutinger, based in St. Gallen, owns a total of six instruments, making it the largest private Stradivari collection in Europe. Three of them can be heard at the "Funkenschlag" concert on 4 August.

Further information
Arabella Steinbacher, © Sammy Hart
Arabella Steinbacher, © Sammy Hart

The Four Seasons

Arabella Steinbacher was a guest in Klosters last year with the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg and thrilled the audience with a profound interpretation of Johannes Brahms' Violin Concerto. On 3 August 2023, she will perform Antonio Vivaldi's well-known concert cycle "The Four Seasons" with the Kammerakademie Potsdam

Further information
Rudolf Lutz_Radovljica Velesovo 2019 Foto Jana Jocif_dsc_2057_48584832972_o Kopie
Rudolf Lutz, © Radovljica Velesovo

Celestial Fanfares

The concert by Immanuel Richter (trumpet) and Rudolf Lutz (organ) in St. Jacob’s Church brings royal splendour, as the programme includes several pieces of coronation music, such as the Trumpet Voluntaries by John Stanley and Henry Purcell and "Eternal Source of Light Divine".

Further information
One week
Buster Keaton («One Week»)

Silent film classics on the National Day

"Cinema Paradiso" and "Singin' in the rain" have ensured a sold-out Arena Klosters in recent years. In 2023, Klosters Music offers three silent film classics by Charlie Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy (Dick & Doof) and Buster Keaton with live music on National Day.

Further information
Thomas Hürlimann, © Ayse Yavas
Thomas Hürlimann, © Ayse Yavas

Reading: The Red Diamond

Thomas Hürlimann, born in Zug in 1950, is one of the most important contemporary German-language authors and has received many awards including the Jean Paul Prize and the Gottfried Keller Prize of the Bodmer Foundation.

Further information
Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks, © Atrid Ackermann
Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks, © Atrid Ackermann

Joseph Haydn’s oratorio “The Creation”

Never before has a choir been a guest at Klosters Music, never before has an oratorio been performed at the festival. Joseph Haydn's oratorio "The Creation" is a special highlight in the festival's history.

Further information
Julie Fuchs, © Sarah Bouasse5
Julie Fuchs, © Sarah Bouasse

All set for the opening

All the preparations have been finalised to make the 5th edition of Klosters Music (29 July to 6 August 2023) a great success. Advance ticket sales are exceeding all expectations. 

Further information
Roth Hansueli

Exclusive: Hansueli Roth, President of the municipality Klosters

«Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes» is the motto of Klosters Musik 2023. So far, we have asked our artists in a short series what they think about it. Today we put the questions to Hansueli Roth.

Further information
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Talk with David Whelton on Radio SRF Kultur

How to program coronation music?

Our Artistic Director, David Whelton, was responsible for the music program at the coronation of King Charles III this spring.
How do you combine royal pageant tradition with modern life?

Further information

“No one could love the countryside as much as I do” 

As part of our “Nature in Music” series, today Georg Rudiger is taking a closer listen to Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, also known as the “Pastorale”.
“We can understand Beethoven better if we see him as a man in whom external nature was fully personified”, writes Anton Schindler, Beethoven’s secretary and first biographer.

Further information
© Marcel Giger

“Music Unlimited” meets “Sports Unlimited” – Spectacular interview with Julie Fuchs

"On stage, I feel quite free." - At the beginning of June, we had the pleasure of welcoming soprano Julie Fuchs (opening concert: Joie de Vivre on July 29) for a special interview. 

Further information
NL_Instrumente Stradivari
Instrumente der Stradivari Stiftung Habisreutinger

Exclusive sound with exceptional instruments

Enjoy the Stradivarius Trio can at Klosters Music in the "Funkenschlag" concert with works by Ludwig van Beethoven and Ernest von Dohnányi. Rolf Habisreutinger (1908-1991) actually wanted to become a professional cellist. But his father persuaded him to take over the textile company. As a consolation he was given a Guarneri cello as a gift - his passion for collecting exceptional string instruments was kindled.

Further information
Veronika Eberle, Sol Gabetta, Antoine Tamestit
Veronika Eberle, Sol Gabetta, Antoine Tamestit

Exclusive: violinist Veronika Eberle, violist Antoine Tamestit and cellist Sol Gabetta in a short interview

In a short series, we ask our artists what they think about our motto "Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes"

Further information

The creation

At the beginning, a big bang: a single, cutting note in the whole orchestra, which is further hardened by the timpani roll. Then muted strings intensify the uncertainty with chromaticism and dissonance. "The description of chaos" is what Joseph Haydn called the effective beginning of his three-part oratorio "The Creation".

Further information
Giovanni Antonini, © Federico Emmi
Giovanni Antonini, © Federico Emmi

Exclusive: Giovanni Antonini, conductor

In a short series, we ask our artists what they think about our motto "Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes"

Further information
Kuckuck trifft Känguru, © Rolf Giger
© Rolf Giger

In the heart of the action

Klosters Music presents a family concert for the first time in the old school building – the "Carnival of the Animals". Camille Saint-Saëns composed the "Carnival of the Animals" with a house concert in mind. The "great zoological fantasy", as he humorously called this work for instrumental ensemble and two pianos.

Further information
Kevin Griffiths, © Michal Sebena
Kevin Griffiths, © Michal Sebena

Exclusive: Conductor Kevin Griffiths  

In a short series, we ask our artists what they think about our motto "Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes"

Further information

Waves and spatial sound 

In our series "Nature in Music", Georg Rudiger listens a little more closely: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's concert overture "The Hebrides" op. 26. Travelling broadens the mind. And leaves lasting impressions of nature, as can be heard in Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's music.

Further information
Sharon Kam, © Nancy Horowitz
Sharon Kam, © Nancy Horowitz

Gentle and intimate, sassy and spirited

Sharon Kam says she is just like the clarinet. The German-Israeli clarinettist, born in Haifa in 1971, will play Mozart's famous clarinet concerto in Klosters on 5 August 2023 in place of Andreas Ottensamer. Georg Rudiger spoke with her about her musical beginnings in Israel, winning the ARD Music Competition and about a very special instrument.

Further information
Sharon Kam, © Nancy Horowitz
Sharon Kam, © Nancy Horowitz

“Distant Landscapes”: Sharon Kam to replace Andreas Ottensamer

Andreas Ottensamer, with great regret, has to withdraw from his performance in Klosters with Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. In his place, we are very pleased to welcome the brilliant Sharon Kam, one of the world’s leading clarinet soloists.

Further information
Julie Fuchs, KlickKlack
Julie Fuchs, KlickKlack

Julie Fuchs about her singing technique

In the latest edition of KlickKlack – the music magazine on BR Klasisk with Sol Gabetta – French opera singer Julie Fuchs gives us insights into her singing technique.

Further information
Arabella Steinbacher, © Sammy Hart
Arabella Steinbacher, © Sammy Hart

Exclusive: a short interview with violinist Arabella Steinbacher

"Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes" is the theme of Klosters Music 2023. We asked our artists for their thoughts on this.

Further information
Thomas Hürlimann und Fedora Wesseler
Thomas Hürlimann und Fedora Wesseler

Klosters Music presents an additional event (31.7.)

The Swiss writer Thomas Hürlimann will be a guest at the upcoming festival, where he will present and read individual passages from his latest, critically acclaimed work "The Red Diamond" in a conversation with the dramaturge and translator Fedora Wesseler.

Further information
© Marcel Giger
© Marcel Giger

Chirping birds and rumbling thunderstorms 

In our new series "Nature in Music", Georg Rudiger takes a closer look. Today: Antonio Vivaldi's "Quattro Stagioni (The Four Seasons)".
"Spring has come, the birds welcome it joyously with cheerful song and the streams flow with gentle babbling in the softly blowing zephyr winds", writes Antonio Vivaldi in the first stanza of his sonnet "Spring", which precedes Opus 8/1 with the same name.

Further information
David Whelton
David Whelton

Exclusive: the artistic director David Whelton in a short interview

"Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes" is the theme of Klosters Music 2023. We asked our artists for their thoughts on this.

Further information
Gutschein Klosters_Ottensamer_Katja Ruge
Andreas Ottensamer, © Katja Ruge

a musical gift for easter

Give your loved ones moments and memories with music. Vouchers can be ordered via
We will send you the voucher by mail or email with your order.

Place your order now
Veronika Eberle, Sol Gabetta, Antoine Tamestit
Veronika Eberle, Sol Gabetta, Antoine Tamestit

Looking forward to the anniversary edition

Joseph Haydn's oratorio "The Creation" (30 July) with the Bavarian Radio Chorus and the Basel Chamber Orchestra (conductor: Giovanni Antonini) brings this year's festival motto "Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes" to life. For artistic director David Whelton, it was important to arrange this special work with an exceptional cast for the fifth anniversary: "Five years after it was established, Klosters Music is a remarkable festival with international appeal. In the words of conductor Pablo Heras-Casado: 'A real jewel!'"

Further information
Charlie Chaplin (The Rink)
Charlie Chaplin («The Rink»)

Triple Bill

Film concerts with live music have become a firm favourite at Klosters Music. This year, the festival is dedicated to three classics of the silent film era by Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Laurel & Hardy. "Music is essential in silent films to create emotionality and to accompany the story being told," says Artistic Director David Whelton.

Further information
Camerata Salzburg, © Pia Clodi
Camerata Salzburg, © Pia Clodi

Spirit of optimism

Klosters Music celebrates its fifth anniversary at the opening concert with soprano Julie Fuchs and the Camerata Salzburg. The New Year's Eve celebrations are only a few weeks behind us. As the champagne corks pop and people wish their nearest and dearest a happy new year, they look to the future with joy and confidence.

Further information
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Klosters Music 2023

Klosters Music 2023:

The programme of the five year anniversary of Klosters Music is an homage to the landscape in and around Klosters. Joseph Haydn’s powerful oratorio “The Creation” meets Antonio Vivaldi’s famous violin concertos “The Four Seasons”. Ludwig van Beethoven’s 6th Symphony ("Pastorale") is in the same programme as Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's concert overture “The Hebrides”. For artistic director David Whelton, however, the reference to nature goes deeper. “The motto Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes also describes the personal feelings of the audience and the artists when they experience the magnificent Alpine panorama in Klosters”.

Further information
Julie Fuchs, © Sarah Bouasse
Julie Fuchs, © Sarah Bouasse

Julie Fuchs about the longing of nature

"Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes" is the theme of Klosters Music 2023. We asked our artists for their thoughts on this.

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Gutschein Klosters Music & Julie Fuchs, © Sarah Bouasse

The music gift

Klosters Music wishes you a Happy New Year 2023! Give your loved ones moments and memories with music. Vouchers can be ordered via or by phone +41 76 561 21 58.

Jetzt Gutschein bestellen
Heinz Brand, © Corinne Gut-Klucker

Portrait, Heinz Brand, President Art & Music, Klosters Foundation

Heinz Brand has lived in Klosters since a child. As president of the Art & Music, Klosters Foundation, the experienced lawyer and politician has played a major role in the success of Klosters Music. In an interview with Georg Rudiger, he reflects, reveals his favourite places in nature and ventures an outlook.

Further information
Adventsfenster Klosters Music 2023

Advent window Klosters Music

On Sunday, 11 December 2022, we will open our Advent window at Landstrasse 177. We warmly invite you to make a detour to us during your evening walk. We look forward to talking to you over a small pre-Christmas aperitif between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. You can also find out more about the programme and the artists of Klosters Music 2023. "Sehnsucht Natur. Musical Landscapes" - the 5th anniversary is a tribute to the beautiful landscape in and around Klosters.

Heeb Dominik
Dominik Heeb

Portrait, Dominik Heeb, Head of Tourism Klosters

Dominik Heeb (born 1989) has been head of Tourism Klosters within the Destination Davos Klosters for just under a year. The sports enthusiast from Switzerland has already been able to provide fresh impetus for tourism as an event manager in Klosters. Georg Rudiger spoke with him about musical experiences, summer tourism and the 800th anniversary of Klosters.

Further information
Oliver Schnyder und Alain Claude Sulzer, © Marcel Giger

Out on the Rigi with the pony

The evening by Alain Claude Sulzer and Oliver Schnyder (piano) entitled "Travellers– Histories & Stories“ in the packed Atelier Bolt as part of Klosters Music 2022 is still a fond memory. The two artists, who are friends, took the audience on an exciting musical-literary journey into the 19th century. From the texts of Alain Claude Sulzer, we chose his story entitled "Incognito", which follows the trail of the British Queen Victoria.

Further information
Sol Gabetta, © Matthias Müller
Sol Gabetta, © Matthias Müller

Preview Klosters Music 2023

Haydn’s tremendous oratorio “The Creation”, brought to life by the Basel Chamber Orchestra and the Bavarian Radio Chorus (conductor: Giovanni Antonini), meets Vivaldi’s famous violin concerto “The Four Seasons”. Also, Beethoven’s “Pastorale” can be experienced with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen (soloist in this concert: Andreas Ottensamer, clarinet). Klosters Music welcomes back Sir András Schiff and Sol Gabetta. And, the 1 August will again hold a surprise.

Further information
David Whelton (Künstlerischer Leiter) & Franziska von Arb (Geschäftsführerin), © Marcel Giger

We’re hiring!

Become a part of our team and contribute to the vision of Klosters Music! From January 1, 2023, we are looking for an assertive, creative and goal-oriented personality as Head of Marketing and Sales (40%). With this position, you will find exciting, diverse and responsible tasks as well as a dynamic organization with flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes. We look forward to receiving your application by November 15, 2022.

Job description
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Zukunft Bergregion, © Andrea Badrutt

Note: Future Mountain Region on 29 October 2022

In the last quarter of the anniversary year "800 Years Klosters. Walser Pride & World Stories", the focus is on the future. Together with adolescents, the event "Future Mountain Region" will discuss opportunities and challenges related to life in the Alpine regions. The event on Saturday, 29 October is public and no registration is required.

More information about the event on 29 October 2022
Bild jubiläum Collage
800 years Klosters

Founding week 800 years Klosters

On this very day, 24 May 2022, Klosters celebrates the 800th anniversary of the first documented mention. A special highlight of the celebrations on the Ascension weekend is a joint concert of the new church bells with the celebratory music "Bandella vista mare". The founding week will be celebrated with concerts, speeches and a varied supporting programme.

To the programme
Münchener Kammerorchester mit Pablo Heras-Casado und Francesco Piemontesi, © Marcel Giger

Listen to the Opening Concert on SRF 2 Kultur

The opening concert of 30 July 2022 will be broadcast on September 1 at 8 pm in the programme feature "Weltklasse" on SRF 2 Kultur. Experience once more fire and passion with the Spanish conductor Pablo Heras-Casado and the grandly performing Münchener Kammerorchester. The concert programme includes Rossini's Overture to "William Tell" and Mendelssohn Bartholdy's "Italian Symphony" as well as Schumann's Piano Concerto with the soloist Francesco Piemontesi.

Listen to it on SRF 2 Kultur
Arabella Steinbacher, © Marcel Giger

“We have arrived”

The fourth edition of Klosters Music ("Zeitreise. A Musical Journey") came to an end on Sunday evening with a piano recital by Sir András Schiff. The nine-day festival celebrates a new record number of visitors. "Klosters Music 2022 was truly a summit meeting for musical delights. The greatest artists came together here to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the village with wonderful concerts," says David Whelton, artistic director of the festival.

Further information
Vor dem Konzertsaal, Arena Klosters, © Marcel Giger


We would like to express our sincere thanks to the more than 3'000 visitors, the artists, the voluntari, the donors, the institutions and foundations, especially the municipality of Klosters, the Kulturfonds Klosters, the evangelisch-reformierten Kirchgemeinde Klosters and the Canton of Grisons, as well as everyone who contributed to the overwhelming success of Klosters Music.

Oliver Schnyder und Christian Bolt, © Corinne Gut Klucker

Portrait, Christian Bolt, member Art & Music, Klosters Foundation

Christian Bolt lives as a sculptor and painter in Klosters. Born in Uster (Canton Zurich) in 1972, he is an honorary professor at the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno in Florence. His most recent publication is entitled "Existenz und Verifikation" [Existence and Verification] (Verlagshaus Seidel & Schütz 2021). Georg Rudiger spoke with the member of the "Art & Music, Klosters Foundation“ about special places, his Steinböckli [ibex] sculpture and about the future of Klosters Music.

Further information
Ensemble Philharmonix Klosters Music 22, © Marcel Giger

Fire and Passion

"Although Bengal fireworks are forbidden in the canton of Graubünden, I can nonetheless promise you musical fireworks today," said Heinz Brand, President of the Music & Art Foundation, Klosters, in his welcome speech on yesterday's National Day. And Philharmonix set off the first rocket in the well-filled concert hall of Klosters Arena with the oriental overture freely adapted from Mozart.

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Patrick Hahn, © Gerhard Donauer
Patrick Hahn, © Gerhard Donauer

Saturday, 6 August 2022, 7 pm: A Summernight’s Dream

At 27, Patrick Hahn is the youngest general music director in the German-speaking world. With the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg, he will present milestones of the symphonic repertoire such as Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's glittering overture to "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and Joseph Haydn's last symphony no. 104 in D major "London".

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Sir András Schiff, © Nadja Sjöström
Sir András Schiff, © Nadja Sjöström.jpg

Sunday, 7 August 2022, 5 pm: Carte Blanche

Sir András Schiff has already captivated audiences with his interpretative skills at the first three editions of the Klosters Music Festival. This year he will close the festival with his piano recital. He does not want to reveal exactly what he will be playing at the concert, which he will host, in order to keep us all in suspense.

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Ensemble Philharmonix, © Max Parovsky2
Ensemble Philharmonix, © Max Parovsky

Celebrate the 1st of August with Klosters Music!

They have done it again - mixed musical styles, creative arrangements, composed and thrown in a good helping of humour. This concert could turn into an exuberant party. The ensemble Philharmonix breaks down borders between musical styles and warms up the audience with virtuoso solos. Find out more about the programme and their new album.

Further information
Pablo Heras-Casado, © Jiyan Chen
Pablo Heras-Casado, © Jiyan Chen

The excitement is mounting as the launch is just around the corner

It has taken many months of hard work - now the entire Klosters Music team is waiting in the wings to make the fourth edition of the festival a real music festival for all visitors. Even the opening weekend demonstrates the outstanding quality of the artists invited.

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Kirill Gerstein & Oliver Schnyder

Great piano art at Klosters Music

In addition to Sir András Schiff and Franceso Piemontesi, Oliver Schnyder and Kirill Gerstein will also be performing at the festival. Francesco Piemontesi opens Klosters Music with Robert Schumann's piano concerto, Sir András Schiff closes the festival with a solo recital dedicated to Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But there are two more first-class pianists at the festival.

Further information
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City Light Symphony Orchestra mit Singin' in the Rain im KKL

Big band sound and symphonic grandeur

The City Light Symphony Orchestra provides the appropriate soundtrack for the Hollywood classic "Singin' in the Rain" live. Arousing longings and creating dreams, but also generating tension and intensifying emotions - these are the tasks of the City Light Symphony Orchestra, which specialises in live performances of film music.

Further information
Bündner Kunstmuseum_WEBTEASER
© Bündner Kunstmuseum

Excursions organised by the Patrons’ Association

This year, the Patrons' Association is organising two excursions during the Festival. Visit the Bündner Kunstmuseum in Chur on 5 August or attend the dress rehearsal of the Mozarteumorchester Salzburg conducted by Patrick Hahn with the violinist Arabella Steinbacher on 6 August followed by a lunch at the Kesslerhof.

information and registration
Steinbock Skulptur Edition 2022, © Atelier Bolt

Ibex-Sculpture, Edition 2022

Support Klosters Music by purchasing an ibex sculpture by the artist Christian Bolt. The Foundation and the Patrons’ Association Art & Music, Klosters enable you to support Klosters Music through art. The sculptures can be ordered from 21 June 2022 and will also be sold on site during Klosters Music at the stand of the Patrons’ Association in the Arena Klosters.

More Information
Mozarteumorchester Salzburg, © Nancy Horowitz
Mozarteumorchester Salzburg, © Nancy Horowitz

Early mastery

The start of summer heralds increasing anticipation of Klosters Music. Arabella Steinbacher, Patrick Hahn and the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg make their debut at the festival on 6th August. "What power and classically dark humour next to the airy fairy magic!", gushes the composer Carl Reinecke about the beginning of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's overture to "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Further information
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Daniela Lütjens, © Marcel Giger

Portrait – Daniela Lütjens, President Patrons’ Association

Music and painting are the great passions of the German-Swiss dual citizen born in Wuppertal. Having grown up in a home interested in culture, Daniela Lütjens chose the artistic profession of painting restorer. Together with her husband, she has also been involved in classical music for a long time. Georg Rudiger spoke with her.

zum Interview
Nuria Rial und Maurice Steger NL
Maurice Steger & Nuria Rial

Canticle of the Sun and the Art of the Flute

Maurice Steger and Nuria Rial embark on a musical journey through time at the concert on 4 August. Maurice Steger loves musical excavations. Time and again, the flutist and conductor, who grew up in Landquart, discovers unknown, sparsely notated repertoire, which he makes blossom with his musical imagination and tremendous virtuosity on the recorder.

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Sir András Schiff, © Lukas Beck
Sir András Schiff, © Lukas Beck

“Bösendorfer is Viennese dialect”

Sir András Schiff will interpret works of the Viennese classical period at the final concert of Klosters Music. However, the exceptional pianist does not want to reveal what exactly he will play. "We have to find new ways to communicate with the audience. I find that the usual rituals of a concert are too formal, too predictable. There are no surprises".

Further information
Collage Newsticker
Pablo Heras-Casado, © Jiyan Chen

Start of a rousing celebration

"Knowst thou the land where the lemon trees bloom,..." – the opening weekend of Klosters Music promises great musical experience. The longing for Italy that Johann Wolfgang von Goethe expressed in his poem Mignon was also shared by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. The composer met the poet in Weimar a total of five times.

Further information
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Marcelo Nisinman, © Mariya Nesterovska

Klosters Music recommends – «ensemble le phénix» with Marcelo Nisinman

On Friday, 27.05.2022, the "ensemble le phénix" with Marcelo Nisinman, bandoneon, will perform in the Kulturschuppen Klosters. A concert with works by Piazzolla (Oblivion, Libertango), Nisinman, Mozart (C major quartet KV 157) and others awaits you. The "ensemble le phénix" has already received two ECHO awards in its career. Marcelo Nisinman performs worldwide with great artists such as Martha Argerich and Gidon Kremer.

Further information
Freiburger Barockorchester, © Foppe Schut

“It’s always about everything”

The Freiburger Barockorchester comes to Klosters Music for the first time. The Freiburger Barockorchester has long since expanded its repertoire into the classical and romantic periods. For its debut at Klosters Music, however, the orchestra will present a purely Baroque programme. "We always play baroque repertoire standing up and without a conductor."

Further information
47. Bündner Jodeltag

800 years Klosters – 47th Graubünden Yodelling Day

On 14th May 2022, around 200 Grisons yodellers, flag-wavers and alphorn blowers will meet in Klosters for the 47th annual meeting and present a varied musical programme with around 30 performances. The concerts are free of charge. Interested visitors will also have the opportunity to try out yodelling, flag-waving and alphorn playing.

Weitere Informationen
Bild David NL
David Whelton, © Marcel Giger

“It is a one off!” – David Whelton about Klosters Music

For the fourth time, David Whelton has conceptualised the programme for Klosters Music. The artistic director looks forward with great expectations to the upcoming edition, which has the theme "Zeitreise. A Musical Journey" and reflects musically on the 800th anniversary of Klosters. Georg Rudiger spoke with him about the programme.

to the interview
Ensemble Philharmonix, © Max Parovsky Kopie
Ensemble Philharmonix, © Max Parovsky

Virtuosity, humour and improvisation – Ensemble Philharmonix

The septet Philharmonix is shaking up the classical music scene. On 1 August 2022, these members of the Vienna and Berlin Philharmonic orchestras will celebrate their debut at Klosters Music. “It’s similar to a tennis club, we meet among friends, write music together, experiment and have a good time with each other and our music”, says Stephan Koncz. And adds: “Everyone brings their music with them."

Further information
David und Reiny zugeschnitten
David Whelton & Reinhard Winkler, © Marcel Giger

Portrait – Reinhard Winkler, Board Member

“Every concert is a festival in itself," says Reinhard Winkler about Klosters Music. The former broker is a founding member of the Foundation Art & Music, Klosters, which organises the international summer festival. Together with his English wife Carol, the German, originally from the Black Forest, settled in Klosters in 2002. Last year, the two obtained Swiss citizenship and became Klosters residents.

Further information
Francesco Piemontesi_Marco Borggreve
Francesco Piemontesi Photo: Marco Borggreve

The one who makes the piano sing – Francesco Piemontesi

Ticino pianist Francesco Piemontesi is coming to Klosters Music for the first time – His schedule is well filled again. In February, Francesco Piemontesi gave guest performances, with a Bach-Busoni-Recital in the Wiener Konzerthaus and the Basel Stadtcasino. In March, in addition to Richard Strauss' “Burleske”, Robert Schumann's piano concerto will also be on the programme, which the Swiss pianist will play in Hanover, Brunswick and Vienna, among others.

Further information
Klosters Music 2021, © Marcel Giger

Start Advance Booking Klosters Music 2022 “Zeitreise. A Musical Journey”

The fourth edition of Klosters Music (30 July - 7 August 2022) is themed “Zeitreise. A Musical Journey”. International classical music stars will make their mark on Klosters Music Week in the upper Prättigau. Choose your preferred seat online at the Tourist Information Offices Klosters and Davos.

Further information
Chesa Grischuna & Gene Kelly

“He liked people” – Barbara Rios Guler about Gene Kelly

Klosters Music will be showing the Hollywood classic "Singin' in the Rain" with live music on August 5. Lead actor Gene Kelly was a frequent guest at the Chesa Grischuna in Klosters in the 50s and 60s. Georg Rudiger spoke with managing director Barbara Rios Guler (69) about a surprising kiss on the hand, Gene Kelly's skiing skills and "Hollywood on the Rocks."

Further information
Ruedi Lutz und Sévérine Payet, © Marcel Giger

Broadcast of the concert “Between Here and There – A Time there was” on SRF2 Kultur

Rudolf Lutz's entertaining organ concert from last summer can be heard again on the radio. On 20th February 2022 at 4 p.m., the show "im Konzertsaal" will broadcast the concert of August 4, which was called "Between Here and There – A Time there was". The concert presents not only original works by Johann Sebastian Bach, but also several transcriptions such as the second movement of Antonín Dvořáks 9th Symphony “From the New World”

Listen to it on SRF2 Kultur
Alain Claude Sulzer, © Lucia Hunziker
Alain Claude Sulzer, © Lucia Hunziker

“I also like to stray from the path sometimes” – Interview with Alain Claude Sulzer

Alain Claude Sulzer is one of Switzerland’s most famous writers. For the evening of 2 August at Atelier Bolt (7 p.m.), which he is organising together with pianist Oliver Schnyder, he takes a look at tourism in Switzerland in the 19th century. And with the music that was composed on these journeys. Georg Rudiger asked him a few questions about this.

Further information

Music is a wonderful gift!

With a gift voucher from Klosters Music your family and friends can enjoy an unforgettable experience immersed in music. Be inspired by our international programme and give the gift of an exquisite concert evening with a star cast in the magnificent mountain world of Klosters. We will be happy to create a personal gift voucher for the desired amount and, if required, inform you about suitable accommodation offers with regards to Klosters Music.

Further information
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Sir András Schiff bei Klosters Music 2021 © Marcel Giger

Exclusive insights: Sir András Schiff in discussion with David Whelton

Many of us will have lasting memories of the masterful and sensitive recital by Sir András Schiff on August 5. The artistic director of Klosters Music, David Whelton, conducted an extensive "fireside chat" with Sir András Schiff, which gave us a deeper insight into the work and life of the world-famous pianist.

Further information
Nuria Rial und Maurice Steger, © Merçè Rial
Nuria Rial und Maurice Steger, © Merçè Rial

Musical journey through time at the founding site of Klosters

On 4 August, virtuoso recorder player Maurice Steger, in dialogue with soprano Nuria Rial and the Basle-based La Cetra Baroque Orchestra Basel lets the audience immerse themselves deep in the history of Klosters: mystical sounds, the splendour of the Renaissance and the sensual worlds of the Baroque unfold 400 years of musical history in a wealth of tonal colours and effects.

Further information
Francesco Piemontesi, © Marco Borggreve
Francesco Piemontesi, © Marco Borggreve

The opening: Romantic Awakening

For the opening of Klosters Music 2022, the audience can look forward to an intriguing journey to romanticism and the sunny south. On this first evening, you can look forward to a reunion with Pablo Heras-Casado, who conducts the Munich Chamber Orchestra, which will be making its first guest appearance in Klosters. The technically and musically accomplished Ticino pianist Francesco Piemontesi also makes his debut in the Grisons picture book holiday resort.

Further information
Julie Fuchs © Marcel Giger

Broadcast of the concert “Timeless Splendor” on SRF 2 Kultur

For all those who would like to experience (once again) the overwhelming evening of baroque splendor with the Orchestra La Scintilla and the soprano Julie Fuchs, there is an opportunity starting on August 18 at 8:00 p.m.: In the program "Weltklasse auf SRF 2 Kultur" the concert of August 3, named "Timeless Splendor", will be broadcast. The program features a Brandenburg Concerto by Bach, as well as a Concerto by Vivaldi and also some vocal music gems by Handel.

Nachhören auf SRF 2 Kultur
Arabella Steinbacher, © Peter Rigaud Kopie
Arabella Steinbacher, © Peter Rigaud

Programme announcement Klosters Music 2022

From July 30 to August 7, 2022, the first-class classical concert series Klosters Music will take place for the fourth time in Klosters. In line with the 800-year anniversary of Klosters, the program of nine concerts takes the audience on a fascinating journey through time and space. Works are performed from the Renaissance, the Baroque, the Classical and the Romantic periods. With the famous musical “Singin’ in the Rain”, Klosters Music recalls the golden era of “Hollywood on the Rocks”, while in Atelier Bolt there is an exciting encounter between music and literature.

Further information


In its fourth edition, Klosters Music celebrates the 800th anniversary of the founding of Klosters with a journey through time with concerts from the early Re- naissance to the present day. At the opening concert, the Munich Chamber Orchestra and Swiss Pianist, Francesco Piemontesi, conducted by Pablo Heras- Casado will take you back to the Romantic era with Mendelssohns’s “Italian Symphony” and Schumann’s Piano Concerto...

Further information
Eröffnungskonzert Klosters Music 2021 © Marcel Giger

Great success for Klosters Music

From July 31 to August 8, Klosters Music took place for the third time under the motto "Heimat. My Homeland". The audience experienced an exciting and energetic journey into the fascinating and rich world of Bohemian music from the 18th and 19th centuries. The interpreters of the eight concerts gave the more than 3,000 listeners in front of an almost sold-out audience unforgettable and unique musical moments.

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Schulklassenbesuch bei Klosters Music © Marcel Giger

School students visit Klosters Music

The world of classical music enchanted the class of middle schoolers from Klosters. Around 20 students immersed themselves into the field of “film music” and “film music composers” led by their teacher Dieter Walser for a few months before attending the “Cinema Paradiso” concert and meeting the conductor Thiago Tiberio and the artistic manager David Whelton. An amazing experience, which everyone will remember for a long time.

Julie Fuchs Klosters Music 2021, © Marcel Giger

Die Herrlichkeit des Barock haben sie im Blut – Artikel in der Südostschweiz

Gerne möchten wir einen Artikel von Christian Albrecht teilen, welcher am 5. August in der Südostschweiz über das Konzert «Zeitlose Pracht» erschienen ist: "Am Festival Klosters Music glänzen das Orchestra La Scintilla und die Sopranistin Julie Fuchs mit Musik aus der Barockzeit. Eine reife Leistung. ..."

Further information
City Light Smyphony Orchestra, © PD
City Light Smyphony Orchestra, © PD

A premiere of a special kind: Cinema Paradiso

On the last evening of Klosters Music 2021 there will be a large cinema: the timeless film classic "Cinema Paradiso" by the Sicilian master director Giuseppe Tornatore (* 1956) will be shown on the big screen. With its sensitive and elegiac visual language, the Oscar-winning work is dedicated to the story of the fictional Sicilian director Salvatore and the small fishing village of his childhood.

Further information
Steven Isserlis © Satoshi Aoyagi

One of the greatest works for cello – four questions to Steven Isserlis

On the evening of 7 August, we will hear the sensitive British cellist Steven Isserlis and Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie perform Dvořák's Concerto for Cello, composed in America in 1895. In the run-up to the concert, Klosters Music was able to talk to the well-known cellist about Dvořák's Cello Concerto and his collaboration with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, among other things.

Further information
Julie Fuchs, copyright Die Frau
Julie Fuchs © Sarah Bouasse

A great voice rises in the bucolic mountain landscape – interview with Julie Fuchs

After a successful opening weekend the concert week begins with an evening devoted entirely to the magnificent music of the Baroque. The Zurich Orchestra La Scintilla and the French soprano Julie Fuchs give a guest performance in Klosters. Klosters Music spoke to the evening's soloist Julie Fuchs in the run-up to the concert:

Further information
Janoska-Brüder © Julia Wesely
AUSTRIA / Janoska-Brüder © Julia Wesely

“Tangible infinity”

It is clear from this year’s Klosters Music programme that the world of music and the developments within the musical universe inhabit almost infinite dimensions. Just how tangible this infinity is is described by the musician and composer František Janoska, who, along with his virtuoso ensemble, we will have the honour of welcoming on 1 August. In the following interview he gives a fascinating in-depth insight into the musical roots of the Janoska Ensemble and into the position of folk music influences, both past and present. Informative and entertaining, this interview is well worth reading.

Further information
Julie Fuchs, copyright Die Frau
Julie Fuchs © Sarah Bouasse

Tuesday, 3 August: Splendid music and a great voice: Julie Fuchs

It is a great pleasure for us to welcome soprano Julie Fuchs, born in Meaux (F) in 1984, to Klosters for the first time this year. Together with the Zurich orchestra La Scintilla, the singer and studied violinist will bring elegant and dramatic arias by George Friedrich Handel and Antonio Vivaldi to the stage on the evening of 3 August. Fuchs, who served as a permanent member of the Zurich Opera House ensemble from 2013 to 2015, has been honoured with numerous prizes and awards throughout her career.

Further information
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Janoska Ensemble, © Julia Wesely

A world tour for the Swiss National Day – program change on 1 August 2021

Due to a broken finger Ondrej Janoska (violin) unfortunately cannot participate in the concert. Nevertheless, the Janoska Ensemble will still perform. Moreover, we are pleased to welcome another member of the Janoska family: Arpád Janoska (singer) will perform as a surprise guest on Piazzolla's Tango. The program can be kept for the most part.

Further information
Giulia Semenzato © Stefano Padoan (Prio1 - quer und hoch)
Giulia Semenzato © Stefano Padoan

Fabulous opening weekend

Only a few more days and the annual concert series of Klosters Music will begin with a fabulous weekend. Even on the first day, after a festive welcome, we are plunged into the musical world of Bohemia in the 19th century. The evening of 31 July is dedicated to the special relationship that the Salzburg composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) cultivated with the Bohemian metropolis.

Further information
Bad RagARTz © Marcel Giger

Excurstion to Bad RagARTz on 2 August 2021

Klosters Music has come up with something special for the concert-free day on 2 August. A wonderful opportunity has arisen to take a fascinating trip into the visual arts by visiting the 8th Swiss Triennial Festival of Sculpture, Bad RagARTz. There are a total of 400 sculptures by 83 artists from all over the world to discover.

Further information
Jeremie Rhorer © Caroline Doutre 2
Jeremie Rhorer © Caroline Doutre 2

Jérémie Rhorer conducts in place of Maxim Emelyanychev

Unfortunately Maxim Emelyanychev has had to withdraw from his appearance at Klosters Music this year due to the still challenging travel conditions as a result of the Covid pandemic. In place of Maxim Emelyanychev, we are pleased to welcome the French Conductor Jérémie Rhorer. Ticket holders for the two concerts have already been informed separately.

Further information
La main ouverte

Vernissage for the exhibition of prints by Le Corbusier at Atelier Bolt

A world-class artistic surprise awaits visitors to this year's Klosters Music: as part of the cooperation with the Swiss Triennial Festival of Sculpture, Bad RagARTz, an exhibition of important prints by the world-famous architect, artist and designer Le Corbusier (1887-1965) will be on display in Bolt’s studio in Klosters from 31 July to 31 October.

Further information
Flagge im Klosters Music Design

Show your colours: We sell flags in the Klosters Music design.

Am 31. Juli verwandelt sich Klosters in einen Ort der musikalischen Extraklasse. Dies möchten wir zelebrieren, indem wir Klosters mit Fahnen in unserem Design schmücken. Neben Fahnenstangen, welche auf grosszügige Weise von den lokalen Hotels und Geschäften zu Verfügung gestellt werden, produzieren wir auf Anfrage auch Fahnen für Privathaushalte.

Further information
Rudolf Lutz_Radovljica Velesovo 2019 Foto Jana Jocif_dsc_2057_48584832972_o
Rudolf Lutz © Radovljica Velesovo

Music for timeless moments

On 4 August St. Jakob Church will play host to the keenly anticipated organ recital "Between Here and There – A time there was" with the talented organist and improviser Rudolf Lutz. This promises to be an evening of special and above all unique musical moments. The evening will begin with Johann Sebastian Bach’s Prelude in B Minor and end with his Fugue in B Minor and these compositions will bookend organ renditions and improvisations by Rudolf Lutz of works by Mozart, Dvořák and Schubert. The number of seats is limited. Please use the online form to pre-register now.

Further information
Stefan Faas, Heads of History, 2020 © Foto Fetzer

2 July 2021 – a feast for the eyes and ears

On Friday 2 July, before indulging in the delightful music of the Argentine cello star Sol Gabetta and the sensitive and virtuoso keyboard artistry of the South African Kristian Bezuidenhout, guests of Klosters Music will have the opportunity to take part in three exclusive and expert guided tours of Europe’s biggest open-air exhibition. The 8th Swiss Triennial Festival of Sculpture, known as Bad RagARTz, will feature around 450 works by 83 artists from all over the world. At 10:30, 13:00 and 15:00, the art historian Andrin Schütz and his colleagues will take the concert audience on an hour-long tour of the artworks in the Kurpark. Book your tickets now.

Further information
Stefan Faas, Heads of History, 2020 © Foto Fetzer

Art and music: Bad RagARTz and Klosters Music

People who are open to the charms of music are usually also sensitive to the visual arts. And those who love art also love music. In order to bring these two strands together in their entirety across the regions, Klosters Music and the Swiss Triennial of Sculpture Bad RagARTz have come together this summer to deliver two outstanding events. In keeping with the motto of this year's Bad RagARTz: "Distance sharpens the eye and art creates closeness". And this "closeness" is important, reports Rolf Hohmeister:

Further information
Sol_Gabetta_c_Julia Wesely_quadratisch
Sol Gabetta © Julia Wesely

“Second home”: Additional concert with Sol Gabetta and Kristian Bezuidenhout

On 2 July 2021, the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz will host the additional concert "Second Home". The concert is actually the start of the collaboration between Klosters Music and the Swiss Triennial of Sculpture. The Grand Resort is an excellent venue for this special concert with a star-studded line-up. We look forward to seeing the wonderful cellist Sol Gabetta and the outstanding pianist Kristian Bezuidenhout, who will perform sonatas for cello and piano by Mendelssohn and Brahms on this emotion-filled evening.

Further information
Sir András Schiff © Nicolas Brodard
Sir András Schiff, © Nicolas Brodard

Thursday, 5 August: A Musical Master’s Journey with Sir András Schiff

Born in Budapest in 1953, Sir András Schiff is today regarded as one of the world's most sought-after and above all most versatile pianists. At Klosters Music, he will introduce the audience with his master’s touch to masterpieces from the musical cradle of Europe and will present works by Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert and Johannes Brahms on 5 August 2021. Sir András Schiff, who has been awarded several international prizes, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in June 2014 for his services to music.

about the concert
© Andrea Badrutt
© Andrea Badrutt

Start of ticket sale  «Heimat. My Homeland»

The time has finally come again: Klosters Music starts the ticket pre-sale for the concerts from 31 July to 8 August. As you can see from the programme brochure and the homepage, our artistic director, David Whelton, has once again succeeded in designing and delivering a programme which offers outstanding quality and thrilling musical drama. Under the motto "Heimat. My Homeland" you will go on a journey to the musical cradle of Europe with outstanding orchestras, great soloists, wonderful voices and internationally renowned conductors and enjoy the charm of Bohemia in the 18th and 19th century.

Further information
Steven Isserlis © Satoshi Aoyagi

Saturday, 7 August: A moving concert and a sensitive cellist

Under the baton of the Russian conductor Maxim Emelyanychev, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen and the British cellist Steven Isserlis will lead us through a special evening on 7 August: the concert will open with the overture from «The Bartered Bride» by Bedřich Smetana, while Antonin Dvořák's Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra in B minor will form the centrepiece of the evening. This evening of contrasts concludes with Johannes Brahms' Symphony No. 1 in C minor.

Further information
Press - JE - Copyright Julia Wesely (2)
Janoska-Brüder © Julia Wesely

Sunday, 1 August: The great tradition of the rhapsody

Originally a poem performed by "rhapsodes", minstrels in ancient Greece, the rhapsody has over the centuries become an integral part of Bohemian folk music and has increasingly informed the work of many classical music composers. On 1 August the Bratislava-based Janoska Ensemble will take the Klosters Music audience on a journey through the great tradition of the rhapsody past and present, right up to the compositions of František Janoska himself.

Further information
David Whelton
David Whelton

Klosters, still David Whelton’s artistic home

It is with great pleasure that we can tell you that Klosters Music has secured the services of its artistic director, David Whelton, for a further two years. Himself an organist and pianist, Whelton was for some 30 years the director of the London Philharmonic Orchestra and has been awarded many honours for his work in Great Britain. "David Whelton is an absolute godsend, not only for Klosters Music, but for the whole region", says Heinz Brand, President of the Foundation Art & Music, Klosters.

Further information
Maxim Emelyanychev 2 (c) Elena Belova 4-3
Maxim Emelyanychev © Elena Belova

Friday 6 August: Thoughts from home. My Homeland

Intimate ties with home, a breezy cheerfulness and unfamiliar sounds from faraway lands will fill the air on the evening of 6 August. In his famous "Moldau" from the "My Fatherland" cycle, Bedřich Smetana (1824–1884) transports us on a musical journey along the river of his beloved homeland and beyond. Written in 1874, the piece follows the course of the mighty river through forests and meadows, skitters over rapids and eventually fades quietly into the distance.

Further information
Kammerorchester Basel Group photo-3_c_ Lukasz Rajchert_NEU
Kammerorchester Basel © Lukasz Rajchert

Mozart and Prague: A Special Love

The very first evening of Klosters Music 2021 will make the hearts of all music lovers and especially aficionados of the great Salzburg composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) beat faster: It is entirely dedicated to the special musical relationship Mozart had with Prague, which is said to have once led him to enthusiastically exclaim "My Pragers understand me!".

Further information
Giulia Semenzato, Sopran

Sparkling energy: Giulia Semenzato, soprano

A great joy for all friends of the great Mozart arias: After the ambitious CD recording "Angelica Diabolica" with the Basel Chamber Orchestra at the beginning of the year, the splendid Italian soprano Giulia Semenzato returns to Switzerland in July and will honour Klosters Music on the first concert evening.

Further information
Steven Isserlis © Satoshi Aoyagi

Famous names and international stars

David Whelton has once again succeeded in enlisting international stars for the concert series, which has meanwhile developed huge appeal throughout Switzerland.

Further information
Jakub Hrůša @ Pavel Hejnz

Yearning for home

Under the motto "Heimat. My Homeland", Klosters Music will take the audience on an exciting journey into the musical world of 18th and 19th century Bohemian Romanticism on a total of eight concert evenings from Saturday 31 July to Sunday 8 August.

Further information
City Light Symphony Orchestra
Cinema Paradiso - City Light Symphony Orchestra live

Premiere for a timeless classic

In summer 2021, Klosters Music will celebrate a special premiere "Cinema Paradiso": for the first time in the history of Klosters Music, we will dedicate ourselves to film and top-class film music.

Further information
Christiane Karg Portraitausschnitt
Christiane Karg @ Marcel Giger

Klosters Music 2020 Broadcast on SRF2 Kultur

On 5 November at 20.00 Radio SRF2 Kultur will broadcast the concert of 2nd August 2020 «Opera Gala» in the programme "Im Konzertsaal".
The concert of 7 August "Reason and Revolution" is also available for listening on the Radio SRF2 Kultur website.

Further information
Klosters_Sommer_2018_(C)AndreaBadrutt (9)

Klosters Music 2021: «your musical homeland»

Klosters Music 2021 takes you on a fascinating journey into the musical world of emerging romanticism in Germany, Austria and today's Czechia.
The detailed programme will be announced in December 2020. Allow «your musical homeland» of Klosters to surprise you for the third time!

Further information

Patrons’ Association: Music has a special power

The music can transport us further and further. Even in difficult times. As we know: music has a special power. But as we all know too: music needs strength. It needs not only the strength and tireless commitment of the participants, but also the strength and support of those who love and care for music.
The numerous possibilities to join the Patrons' Association Art & Music, Klosters or to continue your involvement can be found on the website of the Patrons' Association.

Further information
Christiane Karg, Sopran, und das Kammerorchester Basel unter der Leitung von Riccardo Minasi, © Marcel Giger
Christiane Karg, Sopran, und das Kammerorchester Basel unter der Leitung von Riccardo Minasi, © Marcel Giger

Klosters Music 2020: Thank you

David Whelton on Klosters Music 2020: "Beethoven and the 'Call of the Mountain' in the majestic Alpine world provided the perfect setting to bring musicians and audiences together again."
Read the full statement by David Whelton and the Foundation Art & Music, Klosters under "Further Information".

Further information
Martin Helmchen, Klavier, und Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen unter der Leitung von Pablo Heras-Casado © Marcel Giger
Martin Helmchen, Klavier, und Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen unter der Leitung von Pablo Heras-Casado © Marcel Giger

Klosters Music 2020: Second Weekend

The finale of Klosters Music was dominated by Ludwig van Beethoven's great masterpieces: The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen under the baton of Pablo Heras-Casado played Symphonies No. 3 and No. 7 on Friday and Saturday, as well as the Violin Concerto with Veronika Eberle and the Piano Concerto No. 5 with Martin Helmchen. On Sunday, the Hungarian pianist Sir András Schiff closed Klosters Music 2020 with "The Crowning Glory": with Beethoven's last piano sonatas op. 109, 110 and 111. For further visual impressions please see "Further Information".

Further information
Boris Giltburg, Klavier mit Graham Mitchell, Kontrabass und dem Quatuor Modigliani © Marcel Giger
Boris Giltburg, Klavier mit Graham Mitchell, Kontrabass und dem Quatuor Modigliani © Marcel Giger

Klosters Music: 3 to 6 August

Chamber music ("The Classical Style" and "The Early Romantics"), Die Welt vor Beethoven ("Sturm und Drang)" and the Klosters Music Organ Recital: These were the concert evenings from Monday, 3 August to Thursday, 6 August. Visual impressions of these four wonderful concerts can be found under "Further Information".

Further information
Christiane Karg, Sopran, und das Kammerorchester Basel unter der Leitung von Riccardo Minasi, © Marcel Giger
Christiane Karg, Sopran, und das Kammerorchester Basel unter der Leitung von Riccardo Minasi, © Marcel Giger

Klosters Music 2020: First weekend

The packed 1st concert weekend of Klosters Music has passed, with lots of energy, emotion and electrifying music and performances. More impressions under "Further information" below.
You can already look forward to the other concerts of Klosters Music, especially to the second concert weekend with Veronika Eberle and The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie conducted by Pablo Heras-Casado (Friday, 7 August) and Sir András Schiff on Sunday, 9 August. The advance ticket sale is still open.

Further information
Benjamin Appl, Bariton © Marcel Giger
Benjamin Appl, Bariton © Marcel Giger

Benjamin Appl about Klosters Music

"It takes great courage to hold such a festival in such times and therefore we at Klosters Music are extremely grateful that under strict hygiene and spacing regulations the decision was made to let music resound live again and to set a sign that we dare to do so again."

To the whole speech
Sir András Schiff_c_Nicolas Brodard
Sir András Schiff_c_Nicolas Brodard

“The Crowning Glory” with Sir András Schiff

Not long now until the final concert of Klosters Music 2020, with Sir András Schiff and Beethoven's last three piano sonatas op. 109, 110 and 111. It will be a very special finale for Klosters Music and you too can be there, because tickets are still available. Don't miss the rare opportunity to see the great Beethoven virtuoso perform Beethoven's last three piano sonatas.

Buy Tickets
Christiane Karg_c_Gisela Schenker
Christiane Karg_c_Gisela Schenker

Interview with Cristiane Karg: «Mozart is a constant companion»

The German soprano Christiane Karg talks to "Klosters Music" about Mozart, Beethoven and moments that shaped her as an opera singer. On 2 August, she will perform the Mozart Opera Gala of Klosters Music 2020 with the Basel Chamber Orchestra conducted by Riccardo Minasi in the concert hall of the Arena Klosters.

Further information
Benjamin Appl2_c_Uwe Arens
Benjamin Appl_c_Uwe Arens

Interview with Benjamin Appl: “I am particularly looking forward to be in Klosters”

The German baritone Benjamin Appl talks to "Klosters Music" about Beethoven, Klosters and memorable moments he has experienced as a lied singer. On 31 July he will open the summer concerts of Klosters Music 2020 in the concert hall of the Arena Klosters with Simon Lepper on piano and the Vienna Piano Trio.

Further information
David Whelton_c_Yanik Bürkli
David Whelton_c_Yanik Bürkli

Interview with David Whelton: «Great music inspires»

The Klosterser Zeitung interviewed our artistic director David Whelton and asked him about his personal connection to Beethoven, the program of Klosters Music 2020 and the special nature of Klosters Music. You can find the whole interview, which is available unfortunately only in German, under the link below.

Interview David Whelton
Wiener Klaviertrio_c_Nancy Horowitz
Wiener Klaviertrio_c_Nancy Horowitz

Beethoven and his world – Klosters Music 2020

Internationally renowned artists Sir Andras Schiff; Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen under the baton of Pablo Heras-Casado; Martin Helmchen; Veronika Eberle; Vienna Piano Trio (picture) and Benjamin Appl; Maurice Steger and Il pomo d’oro; the Basel Chamber Orchestra and Christiana Karg under the baton of Riccardo Minasi; Quatuor Modigliani; Gershwin Piano Quartet; and many more will be performing in Klosters this summer.

What for a long time had been a distant prospect has now become reality, to the delight of all music lovers: experience and enjoy musical moments and cultural magic moments together. Klosters attracts with its unique atmosphere and impressive mountain scenery – both are united in “Beethoven and his world”.

Program & Tickets
Christiane Karg_c_Gisela Schenker
Christiane Karg_c Gisela Schenker

Klosters Music 2020 with Christiane Karg and Benjamin Appl

As one of the most sought-after lyrical sopranos, Christiane Karg (picture) is known for her interpretations on the opera stage. At the Mozart Opera Gala on 2 August, Christiane Karg can be heard exclusively in Klosters, together with the Basel Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Riccardo Minasi.
Benjamin Appl is "a voice that belongs to the old great masters of the Lied" (Süddeutsche Zeitung), he was Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau's last student. Together with pianist Simon Lepper and the Vienna Piano Trio, Benjamin Appl will open Klosters Music 2020 with the concert "A Golden Age" on 31 July.

«Mozart Opera Gala» with Christiane Karg
Wiener Klaviertrio_c_Nancy Horowitz
Wiener Klaviertrio_c_Nancy Horowitz

Online pre-sales are open again

Concert tickets for Klosters Music can now be booked online again. The number of seats is limited due to the protection concept, we recommend an early reservation. The rebooking of the purchased concert tickets to the concert hall of the Arena has been completed. The ticket holders were informed personally on 3 June and will receive the rebooked tickets towards the end of June.

Program & Tickets
Veronika Eberle_c_Felix Broede
Veronika Eberle_c_Felix Broede

Beethoven’s violin concerto with Veronika Eberle

On Friday, August 7, Veronika Eberle (photo) and The Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, conducted by Pablo Heras-Casado, will meet in the concert hall of the Arena Klosters. The program includes Beethoven's Violin Concerto – the work with which the exceptional German violinist made her debut with the Berliner Philharmoniker at the age of 16 (!).

Vernunft und Veränderung
Christiane Karg_c_Gisela Schenker
Christiane Karg_c_Gisela Schenker

«Mozart Opera Gala» with Christiane Karg

On Sunday, 2 August, there will be a premiere in the Prättigau. The Mozart Opera Gala will give you the opportunity to experience musical magic moments from Mozart's world of opera. Arias of longing such as Pamina's "Ach, ich fühl's, es ist verschwunden" from the Magic Flute will be combined with the overtures of the operas – ideal for immersing oneself in these masterpieces. The multiple award-winning soprano and well-known Mozart singer Christiane Karg (photo) and the Basel Chamber Orchestra are the performers.

Opera Gala
Martin Helmchen_c_Giorgia-Bertazzi
Martin Helmchen_c_Giorgia-Bertazzi

Our Soloists

At Klosters Music 2020 you can look forward to the following soloists:
Sir András Schiff, Christiane Karg, Veronika Eberle, Martin Helmchen (picture), Maurice Steger, Benjamin Righetti, Andrè Schuen and Pablo Barragán.

Program & Tickets
Schumann Quartet_c_Kaupo-Kikkas
Schumann Quartet_c_Kaupo-Kikkas

Our Chamber Music formations

Whether in trio, quartet or ensemble – chamber music is represented at Klosters Music 2020 as follows:
Schumann Quartett (picture), Vienna Piano Trio, Gershwin Piano Quartet, Quatuor Van Kuijk, Pavel Haas Quartet and Il pomo d'oro.

Program & Tickets
Grafik-web_Förderverein KM

Become a member of the Patrons’ Association

The Patrons’ Association Art & Music, Klosters actively supports the high quality concert programme of "Klosters Music" and increases the attractiveness and charisma of Klosters together with the local partners. Become a member now and benefit from numerous advantages.

Patrons' association
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Kit Armstrong in Concert

The celebrated exceptional artist, whom Alfred Brendel once described as "the greatest musical talent I have encountered in my entire life", performed two piano concertos by Haydn and Mendelssohn-Bartholdy with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen.

More Information on SRF 2 Kultur
Maurice Steger

Maurice Steger in Concert

The recorder virtuoso Maurice Steger successfully presented his new program at Klosters Music: "Mr. Handel's Dinner" , together with La Cetra Barockorchester & Vokalensemble Basel. Once again he dazzled the audience with his exciting playing and dynamic stage presence.

More Information on SRF 2 Kultur

Successful premiere of Klosters Music

With the crowning final concert of the violinist Christian Tetzlaff and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the ten-day festival "Klosters Music" ended on Sunday. Among the highlights were performances by Sir András Schiff, Kit Armstrong and Maurice Steger.

Further information

Lecture on Johann Sebastian Bach by Dr. Christine Blanken on 3rd of August 2019

Who was Johann Sebastian Bach? On the occasion of our Bach Discovery Days, Dr. Christine Blanken talks about the great composer and his European role models.

Further information

Impressions of Steven Isserlis and Connie Shih

The British cellist Steven Isserlis and the Canadian pianist Connie Shih were enthusiastic about Klosters.

Further information

Jazz on Madrisa Alp with Virtual Jazz Reality

Virtual Jazz Reality and Adelia Douw inspired with their jazz numbers on Madrisa.

Further information

Impressions of Mr Handel’s Dinner with Maurice Steger

Impressions about the concert with Maurice Steger and La Cetra Barockorchester Basel

Further information

Impressions of shape & sound

What are the connections between music and art? The sculptor Christian Bolt and the composer Wolfgang-Michael Bauer gave insights into their working methods.

Further information

Impressions Modigliani Quartet and Adam Laloum

The first concert of this year's series was given by the Modigliani Quartet from Paris and the pianist Adam Laloum, who also lives in France.

Further information

Klosters Music ceremonially opened

Klosters Music was ceremoniously opened on Friday evening. Click here for the pictures.

Further information

Greeting Kurt Steck, Mayor, Klosters-Serneus

Kurt Steck, the mayor of Klosters-Serneus, welcomes our concert guests in our programme brochure.

Further information
Trio Rössler Rössler Müller  (1)

Detailed Programmes are available now

In a few days it will be time: Klosters welcomes world-class artists. The detailed programmes for the first and second weekends of Klosters Musik are now available online.

Further information

Klosters Music, a first on Madrisa Mountain

Klosters Music diversifies: Debuts on the Madrisa-Alp, and also with varied jazz music performed by well known South African Trumpeter Ian Smith and his band, Virtual Jazz Reality, at the Öpfelsee Amphitheatre on the 28 July 2019.

Further information
Wolfgang, Andrin, Christian
Wolfgang-Michael Bauer, Andrin Schütz, Christian Bolt

Premiere of Shape & Sound

In an illustrative lecture recital, Swiss sculptor and artist Christian Bolt as well as Austrian composer Wolfgang-Michael Bauer will showcase the affiliation between sculpture, painting and music.

Further information


Our artistic director David Whelton invites you to a personal programme insight to experience additional information about the Klosters music concert 2019.

Further information

Volunteers @ Klosters Music

Would you like to help us to offer unique concert experiences for the artists and our guests in Klosters? Support us in functions such as seating instructions, ticket control, box office and serving drinks.

Further information
Heinz Brand, Vizepräsident Stiftung Kunst & Musik Klosters, Daniela Lütjens Präsidentin Förderverein Kunst & Musik Klosters, Franziska von Arb Geschäftsführerin Klosters Music und Rolf Theiler, Präsident Stiftung Kunst & Musik Klosters (

Patrons’ Association Art & Music, Klosters

Without the generous support of donators and friends the unique concerts would not be possible. Find out more about our Patrons' Association Art & Music, Klosters and the possibilities of membership.

Further information